Welcome to
the exploration station
Early Learning Center
A Closer view
After graduating with a degree in early childhood education, Owner/Director Alison Welch visited multiple child care facilities across the St Louis area. Her passion and discoveries inspired her to create an affordable, high-quality early childhood education center of her own.
take a look
We spend our days creating fun experiences for our students. Each day is filled with activities designed to help our students learn while having fun. Opportunity for discovery is right around every corner at the Exploration Station.
read the reviews
The teachers and families at The Exploration Station maintain an open circle of communication. Portfolios are kept for each student filled with work samples, projects, reflections, pictures, assessments and more. We are so thankful to recieve thoughtful reviews and encourage our new parents to view them on our site.
enroll today
At The Exploration Station we offer flexible scheduling to accomodate all our families. Harmonizing your schedule with ours is a factor we hold with great importance. You will find NO enrollment fee at The Exploration Station! Contact us today to begin your child's creative, high quality learning experience.